What is Optimysstique?

Optimysstique was born out of our collective consciousness 11 years ago on the island of Oahu. Previous festivals have been held in Haleiwa. This year we are stoked to say that Optimysstique will feature 4 days and 3 nights of music, yoga, dance and workshops! Come out and build with us. Once you know better you do better. As we evolve mass consciousness will follow.

When you have a moment, click on the video link. Our founder, Cab Spates, drops some knowledge on what sparked the start of this grande gathering. 11 years and counting. 2017 and beyond!



 #music#art #creatTIVE expression#Sound healing#yoga#seminars#sustainability


# nature#WELLNESS#organic food #personalgrowth#installation art


#medicine#furniture#art#bodywork#DIY#education#awareness#mindfullness#and more

* Join us for the 4 day 3night camp out in FEB 18-21- 2017

Spread the word and join us on facebook  FB